Great Auk Medical Supply



eCommerce Website UI/UX & Branding

Great Auk Medical Supply is an online and brick-and-mortar retailer of medical supplies. They hired me to design and establish their eCommerce and digital experience as well as their new visual brand. Their goal is to lead the next generation of retail of medical supplies.

I conducted stakeholder interviews with several product manufacturers to develop key personas that profiled the user and customer journey. Ongoing research into the data and analytics revealed insights into the role of elderly’s children in the conversion process.

To ensure a consistent experience as we brought developers onboard, I documented the Great Auk Medical Supply Design System including documentation and a UI tool kit, with UX design principles and UI components.

User Experience On Digital Channels

I was the Lead UX Designer on a variety of eCommerce initiatives at Stickley, as the company launched and iterated on several eCommerce ventures. Stickley exclusively manufactures high quality furniture and the brand has a proud history, it was therefore necessary to ensure the same standard of quality was maintained throughout the customer’s experience on the various Stickley websites.

Product Category Navigation

How do you provide intuitive comprehensive navigation for many product categories and sub-categories from the Home Page? The staff also needed to be able to add and remove categories easily from the CMS. I advised the inventory specialist on the easiest way to manage the CMS and also advised on a simplified approach to adding and rearranging product categories.

Point of Sale Integration

As the team lead and primary client contact, I advised the client on a POS integration that would align with the website back end and product inventory flow. The staff welcomed the state-of-the-art touchscreen and seamless integration with the website, as the inventory represented also displays realtime on the POS screen.

“I had the pleasure to work with Josiah Ludovico for about two years while he was the Creative Director/UIUX Design Lead at Brand Experience (a web design company). He is an exceptional designer with a passion for and an ability to create work that is highly creative and effective. He is also skilled at working with other media professionals in orchestrating their work to achieve exceptional results. In addition to his professional skills I have found him to be a person of high integrity.”

- Edward Knack, Web Development Director, Brand Experience

Josiah holds a Certification in User Experience Design from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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